Chronic Leg Ulcers and Complex Wounds
Chronic leg ulcers are a debilitating and often poorly managed condition which has a huge impact on the lives of patients who are suffering from them

Chronic leg ulcers often occur as a result of longstanding deep or superficial venous insufficiency, but can also be due to longstanding venous hypertension from multiple other causes such as heart failure, prolonged dependency or kidney disease.
Patients that suffer from peripheral vascular disease (arterial blockages) may also suffer from chronic non-healing ulcers known as mixed (arterial-venous) ulcers and this requires the expertise of a vascular surgeon such as Dr Vivienne Moult to fix the arterial blood supply to allow healing.
Chronic leg ulcers are incredibly debilitating for the patient and severely impact a person’s quality of life. The ulcers can, and often do become infected causing terrible pain and can lead to hospitalisation and even sepsis which can be life threatening.
Dr Vivienne Moult is very experienced in the management of chronic leg ulcers and complex wounds. A thorough history, examination and assessment will be performed and then a treatment and management plan provided, including addressing any underlying causes. A detailed wound care plan is provided and reviewed at regular intervals and Dr Vivienne Moult will work together with your GP, or community nursing staff to ensure you get the best care possible. For particularly severe or advanced cases, Dr Vivienne Moult is also able to arrange hospitalisation for intense wound care, surgical debridement or skin grafting should it be required.